All The Training You Need To Grow Your Church.
We are in the biggest communication shift for the last few hundred years. Millions of people are searching online every single day around the world. My passion is to help those who are searching find Jesus and connect them to the local church online.
Hi I'm Steve.
I love helping churches reach people online. I've served on church staff for over 15 years and understand your passion to reach your community and make an impact for Jesus.
In my online training you'll learn not just the why but step-by-step how to reach your community online.
I currently serve on a church team leading the digital ministry so what I teach isn't theory. It's the real deal. Proven, practical and results driven.
Learn How To Reach More People
Learn how to reach thousands of people in your city online.
Grow Your Church
You'll learn how to go from viewers to making disciples
Transform Lives
The bottom line is transformed lives. Introducing people to Jesus. You'll learn how to do that online.
I've helped over one million people find Jesus online.
2020 was the digital reformation. Church's were forced to pivot online in a matter of weeks. I'm proud to have helped so many church leaders and also people in their online faith journey.
Amplifying The Impact Of Churches Around The World.
Do you want to grow your church? Reach your community? Transform lives? Check out the available courses that are designed to equip and help you achieve it.